How Stress Can Affect Life at Home

Relationship Strain

A survey from the British Psychological Society noted that 31% of adults with partners reported

money as a significant source of conflict in their relationship, often exacerbated by financial


Parenting Challenges

Stress can affect parenting styles and behaviors. Around 43% of parents admitted to yelling at

their child due to stress in a month’s span, as per a survey.

Reduced Engagement

Individuals under stress might withdraw from family activities or responsibilities. Research

indicates that about 33% of people admitted to avoiding social functions due to stress.

Sleep Disruptions

Stress is a leading cause of sleep problems. A National Sleep Foundation poll found that 43% of

adults between 13-64 lie awake at night due to stress at least once a month.

Home Care Neglect

Chronic stress can lead to neglecting home responsibilities, with 54% of people stating they

have neglected household chores when feeling overwhelmed.

Sexual Health

Stress can lead to reduced libido, erectile dysfunction in men, menstrual irregularities in women,

and overall diminished sexual satisfaction.


How Stress Can Affect Health